Inspired by a program on telly
'Kristies Homemade Home' I made the Bolster in the top photo to go with the cushions I had bought,(2nd photo).
It wasn't quite what I had in mind to start with,I was actually thinking light airy delicate pretty floral patchwork....
But after scouring all the charity shops and haberdasheries in Cork for pretty patterned cottons all I ended up with was an old wool blanket and the notion of dying it the colour of my couch.
Which as you can see from the photo didn't exactly go to plan either!
I recycled an old pair of brown cordroy jeans for the leaf motif.
They had been hanging around waiting for the weight loss miricle!
Anyway I think it's a good enough effort for my first homemade cushion and at least I finished it which was touch and go for a while.
I have a tendency to loose faith in projects halfway through!
So I now feel quite satisfied and comfy on the couch:)