Another brilliant animation from Aardman, the voice overs are just hilarious, I particularly sympathise with the Puma from brazil,"a tropical island......tell me where and I go."
This reminds me of a great book I read, The Life of Pi by
Yann Martel, a very strange story brilliantly told. But a very small part of it was to do with a zoo and I must say I was impressed with the argument that was put forward in favour of keeping animals in captivity, not the usual extinction theme, more from the animals point of view ...freedom to hunt and be hunted, thanks very much but it's too exhausting...of course I'm paraphrasing here and I'm not totaly convinced but it did make me stop and think, like
Kris Kristofferson's song, Me and Bobby Magee. .."Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose, nothin' aint worth nothin' but it's free" ......hmmm...