Sunday 23 September 2007

Shirley Trevena's watercolour

This gorgeous painting is by the artist Shirley Trevena.
I first came across her name on a great blog have dogs will travel
who highly recommends Shirley Trevena's book Vibrant Watercolours
I've just had a look at Ms. Trevena's web site and I'm very impressed.
So much so that I'm off out tomorrow to see if I can get her book for myself.


Cathy said...

What a drool-making piece of watercolour - just enough control to make it descriptive, and just enough freedom to really bring out the quality of the paint!

I often wish I had the nerve to paint like this - I do look forward to seeing your work, Janie!

Robyn Sinclair said...

I just found this post, Janie. Your watercolours are already beautifully vibrant! I ordered Shirley Trevena's first book too - still waiting for it to arrive. I don't know if I should blame UK Post or Italian Post.
Wonderful photographs you've been posting lately too.